Maximize your MSP tools & unlock potential with Rewst-Acronis

Maximize your MSP tools & unlock potential with Rewst-Acronis: Streamline onboarding, resolve system issues, strengthen security, and improve access controls for enhanced efficiency and business success.

Maximize your MSP tools & unlock potential with Rewst-Acronis
June 28, 2023

We get it. Your technicians have all these MSP tools, yet they still spend countless hours on manual tasks like onboarding, ticketing, and backups. It’s frustrating dealing with inefficient processes that hinder your organization’s productivity. If only there was a way you could free up your IT team’s time so they could focus on improving services and driving business success.

Well, now there is.

This article outlines how to leverage two powerhouse solutions: Acronis and Rewst, to automatically install Acronis agents on new user devices and freshen up your MSP client experience. No fluff. No jargon. Just practical insights to unlock your inner genius and empower you to maximize your organization’s potential. Say goodbye to wasted resources and embrace a future where your tools work exactly how you want them to.

What is the Rewst-Acronis integration and why does it matter?

In the dynamic landscape of Managed Service Providers (MSPs), the right tools can make all the difference between staying ahead of the competition or getting lost in the shuffle. That’s where the Rewst-Acronis integration comes into play. Automatically installing Acronis agents on new devices transforms how MSPs operate by unlocking your true potential.

“It’s unique to know there are vendors out there that are listening to customer feedback. It’s understanding what our partners need. It’s not just saying, ‘Here is an integration.’ It’s saying, ‘How can we make our business better?” - James Abercrombie, Acronis

The Rewst-Acronis integration is a workflow that empowers technicians to comprehensively manage tenants, reports, users, devices, backups, and storage, all from your Professional Services Automation (PSA) solution. Acting as a powerful information gateway, this integration diligently sorts through ticket tasks such as agent installations and data backups, automatically performing them and delivering the most relevant information to your technician’s fingertips.

Here are a few ways this integration benefits you and your team:

1. Streamlines new user onboarding by automatically installing Acronis agents on devices

From the manual creation of user accounts to the tedious configuration of access permissions, new user onboarding is time-consuming and draining. The long checklists associated with onboarding can also lead to missed software installations, causing IT inefficiencies and upset customers.

Harnessing the power of automation helps you streamline the onboarding process and overcome these common challenges. Forget tediously checking lists. With automation, technicians can efficiently welcome new users into systems, allowing them to hit the ground running and ensuring a smooth transition for you and your clients.

Imagine if your IT techs didn’t groan at the mention of onboarding? With the Rewst-Acronis integration, here’s what that looks like:

Enhances RMM tools for MSPS

Rewst’s integration with Acronis simplifies new user onboarding by automating the installation of backup agents on new user devices. Rewst automatically installs Acronis once it detects the remote monitoring (RMM) platform on a new device, relieving the technician from the tedious task of remembering to install new software.

Our customer’s experience:

Like your technicians, Luis, a Senior Field Tech at HOCS Consulting, struggled with manual installations and the complexity of tracking other installation-related tasks. Leveraging Rewst’s Acronis integration, Luis completely transformed his approach. He automated his onboarding and generated a simple report with comprehensive audit trails. This process ensured every new install occurred and gave him peace of mind knowing new users had everything they needed without oversights or missed steps.

2. Resolves system issues proactively by automating PSA data and prioritizing tickets

Between offline systems and manually managing backups, technicians often spend valuable time trying to identify and fix problems. This rabbit-hole approach slows problem resolution and increases the chances of extended system downtime and disruptions for your clients.

Rather than relying on manual processes to uncover root causes, automation empowers technicians to detect and address issues automatically. By proactively tackling system disruptions, you can minimize downtime and ensure the smooth operation of our client’s critical systems.

Imagine a world where MSP technicians no longer wrestle with the frustrations of offline systems and the hassle of manual backups. With the Rewst-Acronis integration, here’s how that’s possible:

Optimizes PSA tools for MSPs

Rewst’s integration with Acronis identifies and resolves system issues proactively, allowing you to fully leverage your RMM and PSA solutions. Long gone are the days of technicians spending hours tracking data across RMMs and PSAs. The Rewst-Acronis integration checks your RMM to see if Acronis is installed and simplifies and scales PSA ticket management based on the highest priorities. This streamlined process enables efficient handling of software backups and reduces the risk of overwhelming alerts.

Our Customer’s Experience:

At HOCS, Luis found himself drowning in a sea of tickets, fatiguing his team with the arduous task of sifting through them all. But with the Rewst-Acronis integration, a new era dawned. The Rewst-Acronis integration reduced the number of incoming tickets, alleviating time-restraint burdens on himself and his team. This optimization of PSA software for MSPs empowers his technicians to proactively resolve system issues without leaving the ticket itself.

3. Strengthens data security and improves access controls by consolidating information into one ticket

IT teams often miss notifications when manually monitoring alerts and handling one-off access permission setups. This manual process is time-consuming and prone to human error, compromising the efficiency and security of your organization.

Automation comes to the rescue by consolidating crucial information into a centralized ticket so technicians can handle everything they need in one place. This eliminates the need for technicians to navigate various platforms, reducing the risk of data loss. Streamlining data security and access controls enhances efficiency and mitigates vulnerabilities for your clients.

Enhances Acronis cyber protection

Rewst’s integration with Acronis consolidates crucial real-time information within your ticket platform, enabling level 1 and 2 technicians to perform essential tasks from day one seamlessly. From setting passwords to creating registration tokens and running backups, technicians can accomplish everything directly from the ticket without requiring access to other platforms. Say goodbye to data insecurities and hello, to more enhanced cyber protection.

Our customer’s experience:

Luis faced challenges with access requests for new technicians and users. These requests created delays in customer installations and offboarding. However, since adopting the Rewst-Acronis integration, Luis and his team can now efficiently manage access permissions without repeatedly creating and deactivating user accounts. This enhances efficiency for customers by improving data security and streamlining technician oversight.

What our customers have to say about the integration

Luis Almeida, a Senior Field Tech at HOCs Consulting, brings a wealth of knowledge to the MSP table. With over 12 years of experience working with MSPs, Luis has witnessed the evolution of automation and its positive impact on IT processes. He recognized the need for automation early on and saw the potential in tools like remote desktops and RMM solutions, but they always fell short of achieving full automation.

Luis is now thrilled to work with Rewst, where he can bring his automation goals to life. Here’s what Luis has to say about working with us:

“Rewst cuts our time in half when putting things into practice. “We leveraged the Acronis-Rewst partnership, and it’s game-changing. Instead of a multi-step process, we can work directly from the ticket. Until today there weren’t any solutions that allowed that. Rewst is the one solution that does.”

Unlock efficiency and drive business success

Forged from countless customer conversations, we built this integration with your end goals in mind. It encourages you to use your existing MSP software management tools to maximize productivity. Still not convinced? Here is a quick recap of how the Rest-Acronis integration empowers you to improve services and achieve business management success:

  • Streamlines user onboarding
  • Enhances PSA and RMM tools
  • Provides proactive system issue resolution
  • Strengthens data security
  • Improves access controls and more

By seamlessly combining the strengths of Rewst’s robust platform and Acronis’s cutting-edge technology, MSPs like yourself can streamline processes, automate tasks, and enhance overall service delivery. Unlock your organization’s true potential and embrace a future where your tools work exactly how you want them to.

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Joelle Cullimore
Content Marketing Manager

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